Met at OSU Homecoming (thank you Avery and Price!) - Bryce was finishing his MBA and Kassidy was post grad living in Dallas.
November 04, 2023
Luckily the following weekend was Bedlam, so of course Kassidy would be in town again. They spent the whole weekend together, and Bryce met a good chunk of Kass's family (peep Aunt Courtney in the back!) and got to rush the field!
November 11, 2023
With a break in OSU home games, Bryce decided to fly to Dallas the next weekend. He officially met Dede, Halle and Tyler! And even though it had only been two weeks, the two made it "official!"
December 15, 2023
Bryce finished his MBA and moved home to Elk City!
January 25, 2024
Frank and Dewey met for the first time and celebrated their birthdays together!
April 20, 2024
Attended the first of many weddings together - shoutout to Savannah and Cristian!
June 15, 2024
Kassidy took Bryce to her favorite place, Seaside, for their first vacation! Her parents joined which is where Bryce asked her dad for permission to marry her.
September 06, 2024
The weekend OSU played Arkansas, Kassidy was fooled that Bryce had a work dinner in Stillwater that Friday night. Little did she know, Bryce was getting down on one knee and surprised her with their closest friends and family for a weekend celebration. And a Cowboys win!